"Clearly he did not know whistling was a no no on boats and Martin happily whistled his way through Monday morning. Leonard eventually told him about the superstition of whistling and gales (Leo also refused to come up 5 degrees as this would have placed us at a bearing of 013 degrees, citing a former Captain of his who got upset when this occurred. So it was either 4 or 6 degrees ;-).
celebrated Leonard's birthday with a sip of sherry and gale force winds.
23 knots plus, all day and night, left Len to claim it was not due to
his birthday but rather Martin's whistling.
northbound leg took a little longer than expected. We were beam
reaching and close reaching in lovely conditions, albeit a bit slow.
This all because the N Atlantic high moved north. We had one squall
line on day 3 but Legacy handled it beautifully.
now reaching east in mild seas <1 m and great conditions (it is
fantastic sailing with brilliant colours -an iridescent Atlantic blue.
Moreover it is cool with sunshine so everyone's loving it. I'd recommend
this Atlantic sailing to anyone."
Sounds like you are all having a great time be safe.
ReplyDeleteSailorman Joe
Thank you, the Gods have really been with the boat thus far
DeleteRepeating a prior comment..."Fair Winds" and "Following Seas."
ReplyDeleteFollowing this history-in-the-making adventure awaiting, with great anticipation, the next post!
Thank you!!! As fast as we receive an email from the crew it's posted here, but you can check www.operationsouthman.com for daily location updates