Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Full steam ahead to the boat launch

Work is coming along quickly as the boat's launch date approaches. Legacy is being put back together piece by piece, and I will be as bold as to say that she's the brightest, prettiest boat in the yard.

If you are on instagram, please go follow the boat's account @operation_southman

Over the long Easter weekend, the team came together to get lots of work done on our ship. The backstay has been put back on and all the winches in the pit were opened, cleaned, and lubricated for easy cranking as we race upwind.
All the shiny white bits on the deck were repainted, after which the entire deck was pressure washed in preparation to be rolled. Four of the team members pulled together to tape off all the nooks and crannies so that the deck could be repainted with some of that grippy stuff in the following days. We won't have any of our crew members sliding off deck into the Solent at Cowes!
All the cream coloured parts of the deck are ready to be repainted
Safety always comes first on this boat, so don't forget to tape your phone down!

Down below on safe land, our den mother has been working hard to organize meal plans for race days, buy groceries and stock rations for the ocean crossing.
All of the mechanical and technical bits of the boat have been checked and serviced. New gas lines for the stove are planned to be run soon. Breakdowns in the middle of the Atlantic won't be allowed on our watch, we're checking and rechecking and servicing everything. Bring it on Murphy!
Our racing tech shirts are at the printers and our fleeces have been sent to be embroidered. Everyone is anxious to receive their ~fancy~ new team gear.
Finally, all our guests have been invited for the official campaign launch and blessing of the boat on Thursday evening. Look out for lots of pictures from that.

The team can't wait to get this historical show on the road!

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