It's been fast - paced action non-stop since a majority of the team touched down in Gatwick on Sunday 2nd August.
The boat was reawaken in Dartmouth on Monday and launched late Tuesday afternoon.
On Tuesday night the team enjoyed a tour of our captain's alma mater, the Britannia Royal Naval College.
Captain Reggie is pictured in the far left of this photo |
Wednesday evening brought a cold, wet shakedown race to get the team in order. By the end of the race that night the crew was happy and smiling despite the dreary weather. All this while, four team members were driving to Cowes to set up operation headquarters.
The remainder of the team was up at the ungodly 0300 for a fourteen hour passage from Dartmouth to Cowes. The weather was a delightful English summer day with bright blue skies, sun, good winds and surfable waves. Legacy sailed in the company of Sealark, where Tim managed a crew of four capable youngsters who mostly ate and slept throughout the day, occasionally cranking the odd winch or helming where necessary.
The crew headquarters are now fully occupied, with just a few stragglers left to arrive from various corners of the world.